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Increase profit by saving money on the creative process

This one is for you, e-commerce media buyers! Increase profit by saving money on the creative process.  Woah!? What? 

Yeah, well, this is a shocker for some. But you can earn money and increase conversions by saving money.

It’s pretty easy – to re-use the old working footage to create a new type of video. 

If you’re focused on testing new videos every week, you spend a lot of time and money in the creative process for innovative videos while wasting a lot of good and “free” footage.

Sharing my thoughts on reducing creative costs & increasing conversions in the long run:

1. Test the innovation.
2. Check the average view time.
3. Iterate on a few first seconds.
4. Find the scroll stoppers.
5. Analyze the conversion triggers.
6. Create a testing matrix.
7. Discover the best working video formula.
8. Use it for new ads.
9. Save money on the Creative Process & Increase conversions.


Simonas Liutika





Reading time:

0.9 min.

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