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A good brand should be felt as well as seen

As a frequent shopper, every time I’m in a store I notice myself having the same few thoughts about why I choose certain products. Is it because choosing them aligns me with their values? Or is the packaging particularly eye-catching and speaks to my “aesthetic”?

I believe the key is that renowned brands deliver more than its product and packaging—it offers emotion and a certain experience. Coca-Cola, for example, encourages us to “taste the emotion,” and Nike tells us to “just do it”. Identifying with their given message empowers and helps us feel a part of something larger and more significant. Unlike insipid brands, they instill confidence in you.

This means that famous brands succeed when they do not hide their values and continue to verify that they align with yours. For example “Oatly”, a Swedish brand that produces oat milk, does it right on their box – communicating their values in quirky phrases such as “It’s like milk, but made for humans”, making you feel not only like you’re making a better choice but also as if you’re just as “hip and cool” as the packaging.

Good brands know how to choose the right colors, fonts, and details that will be remembered for a long time. So if you want your brand to be reflected in the minds of your customers, I encourage you to start with answers to questions like “What is my main selling point?” What distinguishing features do I provide, and what ideas do I advocate for? Am I being authentic?”

After that comes the consistent work. We all want to be noticed, so everything we do, say, and show must be seamless and memorable. Every detail must speak to us and our ideals. Only then can we expect to build a circle of devoted clients who will return and personally identify with our brand.

Just don’t forget to enable yourself to grow if what was previously acceptable no longer is, and don’t be frightened of long-term solutions to help you improve.


Simonas Liutika





Reading time:

1.9 min.

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